Next Level 1, 6 week’s Beginner’s Course: BEGINS 14 APRIL

Next Level 2, 6 week’s Beginner’s Course: BEGINS 14 APRIL

Mum and Baby Classes: From: Feb 19 to MARCH 26
Pregnancy Yoga Block 8 March – 12 April
Meet The Community – Viviane

Meet The Community – Viviane

How did you get into Yoga?  In 2016 I entered London Marathon. I was very keen to train well and most importantly to stave off injuries which is why I decided to combine running with yoga. I’m 100% convinced that yoga did just that by keeping my core strong and my...
Mysore Self Practice Demystified!

Mysore Self Practice Demystified!

Taking the plunge from your weekly Ashtanga class into Mysore Self Practice can be daunting. Once experienced, the beauty of the Mysore room can be felt for oneself but for some of us it can take many years to try it out for the first time. I’d therefore like to...
Body Talk

Body Talk

It occurred to me recently, I am not very nice to myself at times. The way I criticise myself, my body, characteristics and how I contribute to society can be just plain mean. In my opinion I’m not ‘beautiful enough’ ‘strong enough’...