How to navigate Autumn/ Winter from an Ayurvedic Perspective
September 23rd marked the Autumnal Equinox, the official shift from Summer (Pitta/Fire) into Autumn( Vata/Air).
September 23rd marked the Autumnal Equinox, the official shift from Summer (Pitta/Fire) into Autumn( Vata/Air).
As new year arrives, we often start to plan new projects, goals, resolutions. And often we find that getting started is hard, or our efforts flounder after an initial burst of enthusiasm.
The busy mind and unsettled body Hearing the invitation, a faint whisper A challenge if you will to choose stillness…
From Anna Jones’ “A Modern Way to Cook”
Did you know that our health increases when we connect with others? We physically and chemically receive positive benefits from being in the proximity of others
Healthy(ish) chocolate brownies Recipe